In five years the global politic picture will be different, it takes no Einstein to figure that out. But what will happen with one of the biggest global players today, the United States?
Since their economy is going south there is a big possibility that they will lose some of their political muscles. But with their big and high tech military organisation they will stay in the game for a little longer then five years.
The problem with being a super power with bad economy will eventually catch them. They can't afford to go to war all the time just to be a big player. The more enemies they got the harder it will be for them to trade internationally and also protect themselves from attacks.
This is going to be tough for the americans. Their country is not built with quality at mind and when the economy put on the breaks for real, the difference will be easy to see. The US will look like an eastern europe country from the beginning of the century.
In 50 years I think the world will be less dependent on oil. Why? Because we have to.
The world can't produce oil in the same speed as we do now so the prices will go up and with that the interest to find something cheaper will follow.
So what will the new thing be? Its hard to say, there are a few possibillitys and with higher prices on oil more money will be spent to research. I think we are going to see to diffrent things. One is to build more electric driven cars and produce more electric from different sources like water, wind and solar power. Its not likely that only those will cover the new need and to cover the loss of electric production from oil.
Nuclear power is highly unlikely to leave the energy market, its to cheap, and it produces big quantities of power. I bealive in an increase in nuclear power. Im not putting any personal values in that, I think it has pros and cons, but the truth is that we are dependent on it. The only way to decrease nuclear power is to decrease consummation.
Will we see that happen? I hardly think so.
Very interesting thoughts, I don’t think that people around the world are thinking in this way. Man is a very selfish creature, if we had thought of our neighbors and our future generations we wouldn’t have wasted the oil in such an irresponsible manner. We consume far too much of our scarce resources, and do not have in mind that our children will continue to live on this earth, even when we are gone. Therefore, it is pretty self-evident that man must think of something else to replace our need for oil. It's very difficult to figure out what measures will be taken, but like you said, more electronic cars among other things.
SvaraRadera//Caroline Gallo
This is two rather big issues and it's important that we bring them up and talk about it. I agree with your thoughts on the United States, they are a sinking ship. They still like to think of themselves as the worldleaders and frontrunners of the worldeconomy. I think that they are to affraid to step down, ask for help and let someone else take the lead for ones. Right now Kina is one of the leading countries with a stable economy and a positiv progress. The United States needs help, but who wants to help a country thats always interfering with other peoples business?