I respect that a bussiness owner wants his employees to work at work time and leave their facebooking and other surfing to their time off. And for me there is nothing wrong with spying on wich websites your personel are watching on the companys computer. But what you do on your time off is your bussiness and yur bussiness only.
When people tracking your wherabouts you dont feel like a free man anymore. I think that the freedome is one of the moast beautiful things in our society and no CEO in the world shuld be able to mess with that. No lost bussiness relation and no loss are to big to take compared to the loss of freedome. At least that is my point off view, but hey, I'm only a normal guy with no money to protect so what does I really know? A lot if you ask me!
You say that freedom is the most important to us, but with freedom comes responsibility, and because some people cannot handle this responsibility, we will all suffer. I can actually agree to you about freedom but as I told in the text a can see more benefits than lost with monitoring of the employees and in other areas of the society.
SvaraRaderaToday we are not just monitored by are employer but also internet sites as Google are storing our searches and every time we pay something with a visa card or the like we could be traced.
Hi Christian!
SvaraRaderaI can relate to what you are saying, freedom is what we all should have. We have some freedom today to do and decide as we want. But not all can handle that freedom and end up hurting other people. There needs to be some control of freedom but I don't think it comes from surveillance. I believe in education.
Who is really free? Are your thoughts actually yours? =P