söndag 12 december 2010

“How to make love like a porn star” by Neil Strauss told by Jenna Jameson.

The book is about the young Jenna Masoli and her upbringing. As a reader you get to follow through many of her personal crisis who sets her path through life and don’t only make her a broken person but also an extremely strong one.

I think the bottom line in the book is how important your family is. The introvert Jenna Masoli who grew up without a mother misses a lot of values that are typical teached by female role models. Even though her father loves her and would do everything to protect her he is not around a lot which makes her awkward when trying to be social. But once she starts to work as a stripper she learns that she has the gift of seducing men and being the social center of a group. Since she is not really good at anything else and that she heard stories about her mother who was a show girl in Las Vegas she makes the decision to pursuit a career as a naked model and later a porn star. This transforms her to be the biggest porn star in history. Jenna Jameson is born.

A so called “chosen truth” about people in the porn business is that they are damaged from bad experiences in their life. I’m bound to agree. I think there are very rare that “normal” people with a good childhood and economic stability make the choice to get naked and have sex on camera.  When saying that I know I make a generalization but from my point of view there are always other options to explore your exhibitionistic needs which does not include making moving picture of you having sex available on the internet forever. Some people in porn defend themselves with that they love to have sex and why should they not take the opportunity to make money on it? I would like to see a prostitute making the same argument and hear how many who buys into it.

Off course there is a difference. As a porn actor you can chose what people you will work with and what sexual boundaries you won’t cross. But since the business sets the prices it is hard to make a living without agree to do almost all kind of scenes. In reality there are only the biggest stars that enjoy the benefit to do only the scenes they want to.

A fact mentioned in the book is that a lot of the girls have a really bad start in the business since they haven’t learned to distinguish serious production companies from the unserious ones. This result that a lot of the girls doing porn have been treated really badly so their self-esteem is set really low from the start.
But in the end of the day your business is your business and I won’t judge anyone. Still I would never recommend anyone joining the business.